Submit Event

Thank you very much for your support and submitting new bear events. Before filling out the form, please read the rules.


  • Information about the event will be verified before publication by contacting the organizer.
  • Inability to contact or failure to provide the contact details of the event organizer will result in blocking the publication.
  • We publish information about events intended for the bears community or in which the bears community can participate and is welcome.
  • Please provide as much information as possible describing the event, rules of participation, etc.
  • The file with the graphic promoting the event must be in jpg or png format and have a size no larger than 2048 x 1400 pixels (2 MB).
  • In the description field, provide the contact email of the event organizer (will not be published).
  • Publication of information about events is free of charge.

If you have trouble filling out the event details in the form below or want to contact us about something else, you can use our contact form.

Your Details

The event name. Example: Birthday party


Event Times to
This event spans every day between the beginning and end date, with start/end times applying to each day.


Create a location or start typing to search a previously created location.

Location not found

Update your address information above to generate a preciese map location.


Event Image

No image uploaded for this event yet

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